Help us build a stronger Bluefin Community


Northbridge Bluefins is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and we are delighted to accept donations from local businesses and families to sponsor our swim team.

The Northbridge Bluefins Swim Team provides an environment where swimmers of all levels of ability can develop their technical skills and character values through competitive team membership. We continually strive for excellence both in and out of the pool by providing quality leadership that motivates our swimmers to grow and succeed both as individuals and as a team. Focuses on sportsmanship, hard work, dedication, healthy conditioning of the body, and encouraging our athletes to be well-rounded individuals provide an environment where fun and improvement are inevitable rewards at all ability levels.

TAX ID # 95-4802889

Platinum Sponsor - $1500 and over

Static corporate logo on homepage.

• Corporate logo (prominent placement) on the back of all NBBF Swimteam t-shirts (worn by over 100 LSST members annually).

•Placement in all team emails to our member families for 1 season. (125 families)

• 2 videos including corporate logo filmed with the Bluefin Coaches filmed for distribution via Social Media

• Prominent placement in the heat sheets for all NBBF hosted meets.

• Corporate logo on a 5’ x 7’ vinyl Sponsor banner to be displayed at: (banner must be provided by Company)

      o All NBBF hosted

      o Other NBBF hosted events, such as membership drives and team recognition banquets.

• Opportunity to distribute marketing materials, coupons, or other items displaying your company’s logo to the NBBF membership, and at all NBBF hosted meets.

• Invitation to attend meets and other special membership events.

• Sponsorship is valid for 1 year from April through March of the following year.

Recognition on our Facebook page

Gold Sponsor - $500

Static corporate logo on homepage.

• Corporate logo on the back of all NBBF Swim Team t-shirts (worn by over 100 NBBF members annually).

• Prominent placement in the heat sheets for all NBBF hosted meets.

•1 video including corporate logo filmed with the Bluefin Coaches filmed for distribution via Social Media

• Corporate logo on a 4x4’ vinyl Sponsor banner to be displayed at:(banner must be provided by Company)

             o All NBBF hosted meets

      o Other NBBF hosted events, such as membership drives and team recognition banquets.

• Recognition plaque with a team picture for display at your business.

• Invitation to attend meets and other special membership events.

• Recognition at NBBF Annual Team Party.

• Recognition on our Facebook page

• Sponsorship is valid for 1 year from April through March of the following year.

Silver Sponsor - $300

• Static corporate logo on homepage.

• ProminentPlacement in the heat sheets for all NBBF hosted meets.

• Corporate logo on a 4x4’ vinyl Sponsor banner to be displayed at:(banner must be provided by Company)

      o All NBBF hosted and co-hosted meets

      o Other NBBF hosted events, such as membership drives and team recognition banquets.

• Recognition plaque with a team picture for display at your business.

• Recognition at NBBF Annual Team Party.

• Sponsorship is valid for 1 year from April through March of the following year.

Make a donation.


2022 Family Sponsors

Blue Family Level

             The Ayres Family

             The Benveniste Family

             The Beres Family

              The Yim Family

White Family Level


             The Cross Family

             The Braun Family

             The Gaudette Family

             The Terry Family

             The Torres Family

             The Urquidi Family

             The Yamamura Family 

Whoosh Whoosh Level

              The Knapp Family

              The Williams Family